Newsletter Archives for the V.G.C.A.



As you all know, there was no meeting in March because of our Gun Show. As mentioned in the last Newsletter, there will be no meeting in July because we will have two events in June. I know you have read that before, but that item and others will be mentioned in consecutive Newsletters so as to keep things current and up-to-date in the event some members do not get to read each Newsletter.

Gun Show

Ladies and everyone else, our show in March was the best we have had in recent history from all aspects. We had a near-record gate, fantastic displays, excellent support from the membership, security and control, and happy dealers because the gate was buying. They were buying because the dealers had such great stuff to sell. We get a different crowd at our show, and I, like many of the other dealers, have also learned to keep some of my better collectable stuff to sell at our show.

The displays were outstanding. First prize went to Joe Cusimano for his 1903 Springfield accessories. Second place went to F. Scott Seegers for his display denoting automatic pistol development from 1893 to 1925. Vince Rausch took third place with his Winchester models of 1890, 1906, and 1962. There were two Judges Choice Awards: first place for the WWII General Officer's Pistols of Army Major General Maurice Rose (I apologize for not knowing who was responsible for this fine display.) and second place for Pete Roberts' Smith & Wesson N-frame revolvers.

There were more members than ever helping out on the various committees. The Night Security Team included John Wallace, Bill York, Ed Costello, Art Shingler, Curt Farrell, and Peter Kuck. Others, including Mike Orsinger, helped with security during the day. Local members might be interested to know that the Security Team included members from North Carolina, Connecticut, and Florida. Many people stayed to help sweep the floor, pick up trash, and stack tables. There were more than I could count, but Jim Burgess and Phil Hill stand out, as do Ernie Lyles and King Von Schilling.

Jim and Phil did a great job keeping the dealers in line at the telephone and solving the myriad real and imagined problems presented by the dealers and others during the two-day event.

Coming Events

The meeting on 27 April will feature a presentation by Rick Nahas and Jim Supica. Since this is one of the NRA-sponsored presentations, the program will start at 1900, that's 7 p.m. Try to get there early so you can get a sandwich and drink before the program begins. Those of us who are lucky enough to have a copy or Rick's and Jim's coauthored book about Smith & Wesson firearms should remember to take it to the meeting to have it autographed. On 6 May, Alan Cors' open house at his Tank Farm in Manassas is open to all VGCA members. Anyone else needs a special invitation. If you have not had a chance to attend one of the open house events in the past, you should plan to attend not only the next one, but all thereafter as well. They are outstanding events, and don't be ashamed if you shed a tear or two. I was prepared to bring my uncle down from Connecticut for this one, but private family matters will preclude it.

The program at the 27 May meeting will be presented by Pat Hyland, who will talk about safaris and bring a few big-bore rifles. Bring your big blasters to supplement the program. The first of the two events in June will be our annual VGCA picnic at NORVA on 10 June. There will be a pig roast supplemented by whatever the members bring with them. As usual, take enough to feed your group and at least four others.

The second event in June will be on Tuesday (not Thursday), 20 June. This will be another in the NRA-sponsored series and will start at 7 p.m. Larry Wilson will present the Arms of Bill Ruger, which have been presented by the NRA Museum. We will get a private tour and presentation.

EXCOM Meetings

The next two EXCOM meetings will be in the classroom across from the NRA range on Wednesday, 10 May, and on Thursday, 8 June. There is also one in April, but it will take place before you get this Newsletter. Announced EXCOM meetings are open to the membership as observers. Addison might give you a chance to present your views on things, but please remember that we are there for EXCOM business and must leave before the building is closed. Official proposals may also be presented, if scheduled beforehand, for consideration by the Board. Meetings start precisely at 7 p.m.

NRA Convention in Charlotte. Our VGCA will finally be represented at an NRA Convention. Vince and Charlie Rausch, Joe Cusimano, and Addison will represent us in Charlotte from 19 thru 21 May. Vince, Charlie, and Joe will put up a display of World War II pristine arms and militaria from their collections. If you have anything you might be willing to let them borrow, please do so.

Fund Raiser

The Fairfax Friends of the NRA will be selling tickets for a fund raiser banquet scheduled for 28 September. Tickets will be on sale outside the auditorium before our meetings. They will also sell raffle tickets for a gun (type unknown as of today).


Somebody please call Addison. A volunteer who has data base management skills is needed to establish a telephone tree of members names so we can quickly cal the legislatures when necessary.

More Wanted

Please call Addison at 540-882-3543 if you have, or know of, a Moosberg M144LS. 22 bolt-action rifle for sale. It can be either an "A" or "B" variation.

Secretary's Subtleties.

In the last Newsletter I stated that our shows are the best in northern Virginia. They definitely are. The crowds are different and include collectors who know what they are talking about. When some of the attendees found out I am the Secretary, they came over to tell me how pleased they were that there are shows where only gun=related items are sold and how pleased they were with the courtesy and helpfulness of the members. At least five filled out membership applications on the spot, and Eric Emerson sang our praises to anyone who came by our tables to talk about the only local show that doesn't allow cheap watches, beef jerky, hot sauce, and other products.

We all owe a hearty thanks to Jim Burgess and his replacement, Phil Hill, for overseeing the show. We also owe a hearty thanks to everyone who volunteered for the many committees that must be staffed and present to ensure that all goes as planned. The names are not too numerous to mention; I just plain don't have all of them. To those who were not mentioned, thank you. The Virginia-based members who don't make the time to attend the meetings or the shows might want to consider that some members come from North Carolina, Connecticut, and Florida just to help out at the show. I'm willing to bet there are others. The perception that the attendees had about our show and our members heartened me. There were no sour apples. Our spirit as an organization manifested itself and made me proud to be a member. When our attitude as a group is seen by others as wholesome and all-for-one, it shows that we are on the way up. We were a good club, are a good club, and are going to be an even better club. it is because of you, the members. I know I speak for all of the officers when I say that our morale as a group went up and it makes us want to do even more for the organization.

President's Corner.

I am very pleased at the support the club is receiving from so many members. The last show demonstrates this very well. I cannot recall a time when we had so many folks help out. By any criteria you care to mention, this show was one of the most outstanding shows in many a year. Many helped in making sure the guns were tied, and indeed they were! The displays were excellent. It was a very safe show and early clearly demonstrates what we can do if we pull together. There are a lot of neat things coming up, and I am sure we will all have a great time. We will, for the first time, have a display at the NRA Convention where upwards of 40,000 people will see and hear of us. We might as well think big! Let's keep up the momentum and enjoy for as I have said before--life is short. See you on 27 April.