Newsletter Archives for the V.G.C.A.


April Program

The Nahas and Supica Show was two and one-half hours of information piled atop more and more information.  We saw color slides, we saw revolvers, we saw pistols, and we saw examples of just about everything that Smith & Wesson ever had inscribed on it.  In addition to the more than 125 firearms on display, there were: sunglasses, belt buckles, lighters, handcuffs, flare guns, gold clubs, a bicycle, and an operational electric train.  It doesn't get more thorough than that!

Jim Supica came from Kansas to help Rick present the program; and John Fox, Pete Roberts, and the NRA loaned some of the stuff on display.  We learned that S&W had its beginnings with the Volcanic Model in .31 and .41 calibers, that the Model 1 Tip-UP Revolver evolved in 1857, that the model 3 was the first full-size revolver, and that John Dillinger used a Model 1917 Army .45 revolver.

April Meeting

A short business meeting followed the program.  There were a few announcements followed by Show and Tell.  Larry "Mr. Show and Tell" Hare brought a S&W airgun.  Ernie Lyles brought some interesting pieces, one of which was a Winchester Model 55 semiauto single-shot rifle. Yes, you read it right.  Don Allman brought a police Positive in a 38-200 British caliber.

June will bust out all over for the VGCA.  Please plan to attend the picnic on 10 June at the NORVA facility out near Woodstock.  Some poor pig will have the privilege of being roasted to feed us.  As usual, please bring your favorite dish to supplement the pig (enough to feed your group and four others).  I apologize for not having a strip map included.  Any NORVA member will be happy to give us others the directions.  If possible, there will be a strip maps at the next meeting.  The second event will be on Tuesday, 20 June.  Please note that the 20th is a Tuesday, not a Thursday, and it starts at 7 p.m.  Mr. R.C. Wilson will present a program on the guns of Bill Ruger.  Much of the Ruger collection will be displayed in the NRA Museum, and we will get a private tour.

May Meeting

The Program will start at 7:30 p.m.  Pat Hyland, a safari consultant, will tell us about hunting big game and bring a few big-bore rifles.  If you have a big blaster or two, feel free to bring them to the meeting.  We will also vote on 11 applicants for membership.  They are Richard Baker, Johnny Cooke, Bill Craig, Joe Cusumano, Al Edge, Bill King, Don Liller, Jeff Perkins, Kendell Rowe, Gerard Roy, and William Stevenson.

Sad News

We bowed our heads for a moment of silent prayer to honor Hugo Stribling at the last meeting.  Hugo had gone out his way to support our Gun Shows, and he will be missed by all of us.

Future Shows

The September show will take place as scheduled.  The show in March 2001 will more than likely expand to include both of the buildings.  We have talked about expanding the show since I can remember.  Now, due to the efforts of Sonny Laine and Moe Phillips, talk may become reality.  If it happens, it will take more support than ever.  We will need twice the number of volunteers.  The support for the last show was outstanding.  For those of you who haven't helped out at a show, now is the time to start thinking about doing some small part.


If anyone has Bill McNally's new address, please let me know.  His mail is being returned.

Web Page

Members who have access to the Internet ought to check out our Web Page.  Larry Hunt is doing a fantastic job with it and deserves a hearty "thanks."

EXCOM Meeting

The most recent meeting was on 10 May.  The next is 8 June in the NRA classroom across from the indoor range.  Vote by mail for Officers and Board Members continues to be a topic of discussion.  Gun Law compliance at our shows is always a topic.  Funds were approved for a sign that will state that all national and local laws will be complied with.  Expansion of our shows was also discussed.

Moe Phillips made a presentation favoring term limits for the offices of President and Vice President.  The EXCOM is not presently committed to either direction.  There are pros and cons for each side.

Changing to a not-for-profit organization is moving slowly.  It all started when I attempted to get bulk mailing privileges to save some money.  You have to be not-for-profit to do so, and that is when some of us discovered that we were not what we thought we were.

Secretary's Subtleties.

Wouldn't it be great if we were able to put on a show like the Baltimore show ? Better yet, like the summer show at Port Washington, Pennsylvania.  That show always has from 1200 to 1600 tables of only firearms-related stuff.  It is sponsored by the Forks of the Delaware Club.  Like at Baltimore, no dealers leave early.  At the Forks show "honesty an integrity" are the rule.  I have witnessed a dealer being told to return money to a buyer and put the bogus item under the table.  The dealer's choice was to comply or get out immediately and not ever be allowed to return.  To run a show like that takes the full support of the membership.  With what I have seen since January, we can do that.  We can also increase in size.  The other organizations are much bigger than we are, but we can grow.  We all know collectors who are not members and always talk about joining, but we do nothing about it.  Yes, I plan to practice what I preach.

President's Corner:

My thanks to all for your continued support of the VGCA.  At the EXCOM Meeting in April, King VonSchilling made a presentation about support for the Virginia Shooting Sport Association.  It is a professionally run organization that carries the Second Amendment message and speaks for all of us at the State Legislature and through its up-to-date about what-is-going-on newspaper, The Bullet.  Joining this fine organization is easy.  You can request an application from V.S.S.A., P.O. Box 1258, Orange, VA, 22960 or you can join by using this sheet and mailing it to the same address.

Name: .....................................................................................................................................

Address: .................................................................................................................................................

City, State, Zip: .......................................................................................................................

Phone: (           ) ............................................. Fax: (           ) ..................................................................................................

Email: .....................................................................................

County: .................................................................................................................................................

Your choice of dues is as follows:  First year $20.00 ($28.00 with Virginia Wildlife Magazine); three years for $45.00 ($65.00 with the magazine); Life membership is $200.00 payable in four installments.

You can send a check or money order.  With VISA and MasterCard there is a $40.00 minimum.  There are items for sale and other types of membership, but this will get you started.